Essential Oils Add To Your Experience of Healing

Dec 15, 2023

Dear soul,

When creating your sacred space in your practice of deep inner connection, pure essential oils can be a bridge to an even deeper conscious connection.

Within you is pure love. Within Mother Earth is pure love. Using her gifts with with oils derived from her creations (the life blood of plants) can be an elevating experience... especially when applied with intention.

Your true inheritance lies within you and it is that which was originally given to you in your initial casting by God, your true inheritance vibrates with your own unique signature.

The same is true of the oils… You are energy. Plants(oils) are energy. Everything is energy.
Energy heals and is our greatest asset.

You can activate the life force within you and bring healing to your mind-body and soul. Essential oils can be a bridge between the physical, emotional and the spiritual aspects of us to connect us into perfect harmony.

Here is my oil protocol: 

  1. Drop 2-3 drops of your favorite pure essential oil in the palm of your left hand (your receiving hand) activate the oil by swirling it three times with your finger in a clockwise direction.
  2. Apply the oil where you are led to. Perhaps your heart chakra, or solar plexus, your throat - wherever spirit guides you Is the perfect place for the perfect application and balance. Your spirit knows what you need, trust its guidance.
  3. Next, take your hands and make a “scent tent” over your nose and breathe in three deep intentional Breaths…breath in the love energy of the precious modules…feel the energy, the vibration, plants are medicine, they are the closest things on earth to God and can be used to bring us into perfect balance.
  4. If you have a mantra that you enjoy speaking into your heart this is a beautiful time to speak into being with the oil you applied -
  5. Place intention into the meaningful words on your heart or choose a favorite mantra.

One of my favorite Affirmations is:

I Am Light. I Am Love. I Am Joy.

The whole of creation exists within me. I Am increasingly aware of the infinite love I Am.

In my inner calmness, my inner knowing, I feel God’s image within me.

And so it is ( repeat 3 times)

If you would like to learn more about essential oils I would love to share with you my passion for them.They are an integral part of my daily spiritual, emotional and physical wellness.

With love and immense gratitude,
